The National Audubon Society is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization.
Our federal tax ID number is 13-1624102.
Audubon is a top-rated charity and your donation will be securely processed
Your monthly gift will:
Provide a reliable source of support for Audubon’s ongoing scientific inquiries
Continue Audubon’s hands-on conservation programs for bird-friendly habitats
Power Audubon’s steadfast advocacy for birds throughout the legislative lifecycle
Strengthen Audubon’s conservation network, for grassroots action for birds and the issues that affect them
Save birds and the places they need, today and tomorrow
Benefits of monthly giving:
- It's flexible.You can increase, decrease, or cancel your monthly gift at any time, without obligation.
- It's convenient.Your monthly gift lets you sustain our bird-saving work year-round through a single transaction.
- It makes you a member.Your monthly gift gives you all the benefits of belonging, including Audubon’s award-winning magazine, membership in your local chapter, and more.
- It lets you turn your values into action.Inspired by your love for birds and the natural world, your monthly gift gets turned into practical action, supporting Audubon’s potent mix of science, advocacy, education, and on-the-ground conservation.
- It makes you a friend birds can depend on.When you stand up for birds with your monthly gift, you make a commitment to birds and the places they need—a champion they can count on through all the seasons of their lives.
- It's green.Because you'll get fewer paper mailings, you'll help protect the planet as you help protect birds.